Uncommons (Previous GreenPill CN)

A public sphere where a collective of Public Goods Builders explores Crypto Thoughts together.

What is Public Sphere?
The concept of the Public Sphere, originating from the German term ‘Öffentlichkeit’, embodies notions of openness and transparency. While not originally coined by Jürgen Habermas, his seminal work “The Structural Transformation of the Public Sphere” is regarded as the authoritative genesis of Public Sphere theory, embedding it as a universal concept in European political discourse. In his work, Habermas equates the public sphere with publicness, defining it as “a realm in our social life where public opinion can be formed.” He further describes it as “a domain where individuals, assembled into a public body, challenge the controlled public realm exerted by public authorities, creating a space for discourse on issues like commodity exchange and social labor, which are fundamentally private but retain a public character.”

What is Public Goods?
Public goods are characterized by their non-competitive and non-exclusionary nature, allowing unrestricted access to all. In the realm of Web3, the significance of public goods is paramount. These include clean air, water, libraries, and even the internet and open-source software. Their hallmark is universal accessibility, where one person’s use does not detrimentally affect another’s.

What is Crypto Toughts?
The Web3.0 landscape is rife with decentralized politico-economic movements, exploring grand visions like public goods, sovereign individuals, UBI, network states, creator economies, Ostrom’s school of public choice, radical markets, Harberger taxes, and more. At Uncommons, we aspire to foster a community of internet citizens who are intrigued by radical ‘crypto thoughts.’ Our goal is to explore the feasibility of public goods, the journey to becoming a sovereign individual, discussing radical markets through the lens of Austrian School monetary theory, and the potential integration of Harberger taxes into Web3. We aim to explore whether DAOs can strike a balance between Leviathan and privatization in addressing the tragedy of the commons, akin to Ostrom’s concept of self-governance.




New Branding Story

GreenPill CN (中文)

ImpactDAOs (中文譯本)

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This is well thought out. Are you able to do a session on your chapter’s structure?

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Thanks, you can find the structures of Uncommons here.

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I am promoting the Greenpill Chinese manual on the Warpcaster channel. I believe it will greatly help Asian users participate in regen.



Sounds good but we already have a channel for the network in which people earn Regen points/tips. Stay tuned for the post on this. Thanks!

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I will continue to follow and participate in it. I share it in the corresponding channels because it is helpful for friends who are interested in the Asian region. :grinning:

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Appreciate for your promotion. Uncommons is working on the Chinese translation of exploring MyCoFi


Good news! That will be great!! :grinning:

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@SwiftEvo Would be interesting if this chapter can work with the writers guild to translate the new Allo Book and possibly the 2nd Edition too.

Thanks @Decentralizedceo
Let’s me discuss with Uncommons team.

Knowing that there are discussion of Writer guild in Discord, any summary about the guild status and any collaboration or support from Writer guild?

E.g. any timeline about the Allo book 2nd ver?


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Yea as you said, the information and individuals can be found in the discord. Although, TLDR would be that the Allo V2 is scheduled to be released at Devcon(first week of Nov.) However, there are other projects and research in the writers guild that would still need assistance. The regen ecosystem mapping is starting. Please look out for a message on the discord for planning and different phases.

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Here is the annual highlights of Uncommons this yeat

  1. summer of protocol

Summary: Summer of Protocols 2024
Summer of Protocols (协议之夏) is an initiative supported by Ethereum’s core contributors, including input from Vitalik Buterin, and co-sponsored by GCC. The project was executed by Uncommons, with full-time and part-time researchers receiving unconditional funding to explore diverse research topics.

In August 2024, the program selected and supported over ten Chinese-speaking researchers, independent artists, and authors under the “PILL” (Pill to Incept Lore and Literacy) category from nearly 100 proposals. These “humanities geeks” delivered creative works that reimagine the concept of protocols in novel ways, contributing to the humanities perspective in the blockchain ecosystem.

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  1. “Crypto Flight” is a series of interviews by Uncommons, focusing on pioneers active in the Ethereum and crypto world.

It documents the reality of the crypto space and produces diverse perspectives, using conversation and everyday language as methods to distill distant and far-off truths.

Inspired by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry’s Vol de Nuit (Night Flight), it symbolizes the challenge and exploratory spirit of cypherpunks and crypto citizens as they venture to the ends of the world.


Edge city and Janine
Network School & Balaji
Pagoda & Vienna
Careculture & Toby Shorin
More to come

Collaboration with Social layers

  1. Peer to Peer: The Commons Manifesto translation and co study

The draft translation, first round of proofreading in Chinese of Peer to Peer: The Commons Manifesto is complete!

This groundbreaking book explores commons-based economics, point-to-point technologies, and the dynamics of peer-to-peer networks. It is co-authored by @P2P_Foundation founder @mbauwens, Vasilis Kostakis (founder of the P2P Lab), and @AlexPazaitis (core member of the P2P Lab).

With the support of @Un__commons, @Labs706 translation team has completed the draft Chinese translation of Peer to Peer: The Commons Manifesto. The proofreading phase, led by @lurenbian.

We just got ENS DAO public good builder grant for the hardcopy publishing.


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  1. Uncommons GreenPill Podcast Study

As part of the Uncommons workstream initiative, the GreenPill Podcast Study adopts a collaborative approach to engage more participants in understanding and expanding on podcast content.

  1. Uncommons hosted the MycoFi Event as part of its commitment to exploring innovative frameworks inspired by nature. The event was centered on the book MycoFi: Mycelial Design Patterns for Web3 and Beyond, which draws parallels between mycelial networks and regenerative systems in Web3.

The CN version of Mycofi is published on GreenPill Network official website. Also, we host a 7 days co-studying about Myofic.



Summary: Uncommons’ UnResearch Initiative
Uncommons’ UnResearch project focuses on crypto humanities, technology philosophy, and community governance. It operates in two main modules:

Crypto Humanities Research Database (Researcher-centric):

Individual Researcher Profiles: A database centered on researchers in the field of crypto humanities.
Research Institutions or Communities: Profiles of organizations or communities engaging in crypto humanities.
Translated Works Database: A curated collection of translated works contributing to the field.
Original Research Reports:

Uncommons produces in-depth, original reports that explore crypto-humanities topics in innovative and thoughtful ways.
This initiative emphasizes fostering connections between researchers, translating key works for a broader audience, and creating a comprehensive resource hub for advancing discussions in crypto humanities and related areas.

Related publishing in Chinese, including Toby Shorin, Nadia Asparouhova, Angela Walch


blog.uncommons.cc serves as Uncommons’ official platform for publishing and subscribing to thought-provoking content on crypto humanities, decentralized communities, and innovative cultural movements. The blog features two primary series:

Crypto Flight:
A bilingual column documenting interviews and stories from pioneers in the crypto and Ethereum worlds. This series captures unique perspectives on blockchain, Web3, and the cultural and societal shifts driven by technology. Inspired by Night Flight by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, the series embodies the exploratory spirit of crypto citizens.

時差記者 (Time Difference Correspondent):
A column focused on front-line reports from global crypto conferences and events, offering firsthand accounts of diverse Web3 initiatives and their impact on local and global communities.

Readers can subscribe to stay updated on Uncommons’ ongoing explorations into the intersections of culture, technology, and decentralization, while engaging with content that bridges language and physical barriers to foster global dialogue.

relative publishing, including Edge Esmeralda, Myanmar journalists & Web3 during Devcon, Crecimiento & Tamera