Greenpill Gov Guild

Greenpill Gov Guild hub, to discuss all things relative to the gov guild, and governance structures being created and implemented.

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Wanted to share a concept around the formatting of the Greenpill Network as a possible enhancement.

This idea is focused on enhancing the connections between chapters, and forces us to better define chapter locality.

The proposal is to add additional regional chapters, such as continental regions, state regions, or whatever is most optimal, with the purpose of promoting more cross pollination between chapters and creating a better user experience to promote that.

This concept is quite simple, an example can be a Colorado chapter, with many local chapters outside of just Denver, or a US / North America region. The idea is that chapter stewards of local regions would also be stewards of the larger region and work together. The goal is not to generate additional funding to distribute to local chapters, nor is it to create any additional centralization, but is a place for discussion similar to the Chapter-Stewards channel.

The idea behind this is that it can allow chapters with similar cultures to more easily interact with one another. Relative to the Denver chapter having to interact with other chapters in their telegram chats or specific channels, this can make it easier for stewards to check up on other stewards, and enable cross pollination between chapters more easily. These new chapters would not have control over the local chapters, but would be a place of commune to more easily help our neighboring chapters and see what they are up to.

This is just an idea, and I am not suggesting that it get’s implemented right away, or whatsoever, but want to open the concept up for discussion as something else of value may come out of it, even if it ends up being a different idea.

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My initial thought is additional organizational structure would only be beneficial after more scaling and growth. Nothing is currently stopping geographically similar chapters from collaborating with each other. I do agree with you that there should be more cross pollination, but I’m not sure if segmenting the room would actually spur more coordination.


Thanks for the response Matt!
Certainly nothing is stopping further collaboration but it does feel that the network could benefit from additional structures that may promote cross collaboration but I may be wrong.
From my perspective the chapters are already quite segmented, having the general chat as the main connecting hub between all of them. Adding regional collectives may be an interesting concept, but I do agree that it’s uncertain if it could truly spur more communications and coordination between neighboring chapters. Thank you for your input, it is valuable to maintain a simple structure in terms of onboarding.
Although I do believe this may exclusively benefit nomadic members, perhaps it would be better or more interesting to bring up the old concept of a Greenpill Growers chapter for those that happen to be more nomadic that are interested in setting up events in regions and locations that do not currently have active chapters set up instead.

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My thoughts are this type of structure should be applied at a interest level based on something like the 8 forms of capital or general regen topics. Applying at a geographical level I don’t think scales well as it will be harder to synergizes for example problems in California differ from Denver, Florida, or New York. The commonality comes in caring about topics such as the environment, educations, etc.

I feel with the pods we can start enhancing connections between chapters and guilds and adress this lack of cohesion you’re highlighting.

1 Like - Heard about this in passing and thought it might be kinda relevant to your idea, so just tossing the link in this thread

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