Creating Greenpill DAO (or regen DAO)


Greenpill DAO can be an autonomous organization to raise funds, add members, and fund projects to become a self-sustaining community.


Decentralized Autonomous Organizations (DAOs) are tools that can be used for communities to organize, raise funds, and allocate resources toward ideas that benefit the community. Greenpill is a great community with a powerful and necessary cause, which will require more individuals to participate. To create regenerative outcomes in physical and digital spaces with the highest impact, Greenpill can leverage DAO technology to become “Greenpill DAO”, so that it can raise funds, add members, and pay them for their contributions.


It was of the concern of certain members in the community that creating a DAO might defeat the ethos of the group in its current form. In other words, adding money to the mix would complicate the message - that we should build regenerative goods because it’s the right thing to do.

However, I note two things to assuage that concern:

  1. Recently, DAO technology has become more sophisticated, and innovative. Instead of a power game where whales can buy up voting power and control the direction of the organization, they’re now able to be more balanced and precise regarding their ability give influence to those making the most impact. We will model our structure with these new innovative approaches.

  2. Impact = Profit. The principle that inspires the superchain ecosystem that states, “Individuals providing positive impact to the collective receive proportional rewards”. This is something I know our community believes in, and if we make this the ethos of the DAO, we can program it to do just that. We can also establish a framework for which we can use to evolve the DAO, and we can always make that the defining principle. Impact = Profit.


  • Software - Fork “the revolution protocol”, the protocol that uses, which is a fork of’s protocol.
  • Art - Design custom art to be auctioned off and used as a persons entry point to joining the DAO (becoming a member).
  • Marketing - Campaign to get the message out, and encourage people to join the community

Steps to Implement/Timeline

  1. Examine the mechanics of the DAO, and bring topics of discussion to the community (which will include some of the concepts to migrate from charmverse). (2-3 weeks)
  2. Agree on Implementation (1 week)
  3. Fork the code, if additions or subtractions are made, test the functionality (2 weeks)
  4. Deploy on Base mainnet (1 week, or longer, if we design a complex UI)
  5. Launch marketing campaign

This will likely be a long project, so these dates are actually arbitrary. I think what matters is that we get it right. So we can give out more and more greenpills, in a self-sustaining way.

Thanks @Matt for encouraging this proposal. Looking forward to working on this with everyone.


Appreciate the proposal. I’m very interested in exploring the concept further, and really digging into the capital formation/allocation and governance.

Thanks in part to Daniel joining the crew, the Gov Guild calls are gaining some momentum. If anybody is interested in really getting into the weeds please join the weekly call Friday 2 pm EDT, 6 pm UTC in the Discord “Community” voice chat. I’m sure we’ll dive into the idea in this post.


Happy to see you post the proposal there’s a ton of potential here. I just yesterday got my 1st Vrb and I’m very bullish on this protocol being of use for the Network, Chapters, and Guilds.

Some initial feedback

  • Add some more visual and links that help contextualize the protocol and what Vrbs is currently doing
  • In the rationale section I would add some more meat around the positive of this protocol and potential benefits such as helping with determining Greenpill citizens funding, chapter/guild governance etc.
  • The timeline is pretty ambitious if looking to implement at a Network level, if experimenting with a chapter or guild 1st then totally seems feasible.
  • I think the timeline should include an experimentation period within a guild or chapter then be applied to the Network

Thanks for taking this big step in posting your proposal and looking forward to seeing what we build!


Thanks for the feedback @afo-wefa. I saw your bid to get that last vrb! Really great quote you included that will go down in history.

Will make some revisions to this proposal before we discuss as a group.


There are some interesting thoughts here that ought to be explored more. There has been previous thoughts of a community funding platform for the GreenPill community and it’s ecosystem partners. Although it was not further pursued at the time, I think now leading to 2025 is a great time to revisit this. My thoughts are:

  1. As we lead closer to a “cross-coordinated” effort in the Regen ecosystem, it may be ideal to consider the branding of this “DAO” to be more inclusive of the ecosystem as a whole, even down to individuals in these respective communities. This is a great thing that the Nouns community has been able to achieve and can be used as case study.
  2. The issue is not spinning up a fork of a streaming “revolution protocol” and allocating capital to the communities’ signal, the potential bottle neck could be from actual capital formation. Although achievable, it requires coordinated, marketing, seed donors, dedicated bandwidth, etc…
  3. With the existence of Nouns, Public Nouns, lil Nouns, Vrbs, Public Good Club, what would be the specific area of focus of funding for this DAO? For example would it want to fund projects within a specific environmental or pro social sector?
  4. Would Geo Web’s streaming/funding tool be used here? Is the funding mechanism going to be built on Allo Protocol?

I think this is a great conversation to have. With the right coordination and dedication, it would be impactful. I hope the community signals this for further discussion.


Thanks for looking this over and jotting your thoughts @Decentralizedceo .

Your certainly correct that capital formation would be difficult. I think the revolution protocol made the proper innovations, were funds can be raised from the following avenues:

  • Direct Donations
  • Revenue from selling governance power
  • Revenue from Art Auction
  • Revenue from Splits

Looks like we’re already working on the auction, which can be a good avenue for us, but I’d be interested in exploring this splits concept, since it presents quite a large growth opportunity. Given our mission to support public goods development and regenerative finance, this presents us with a special opportunity.

A split is a revenue stream that is split between the member who created a product or business using community’s branding kit and/or resources. Members of a community can create a coffee company, or build an onchain product, and split the revenue with the community’s treasury.

Given the greenpill mission is substantial, I can image many projects and businesses supporting it in various ways, splitting the revenue with the DAO so it can continue fostering the development of other public goods and regen projects.

This is a very scalable model worth exploring. I know @afo-wefa mentioned that we were working on some products that can be profitable, maybe that’s a way to jumpstart this funding stream.