Greenpill Dev Guild Q1-Q2 Update

Since the beginning of 2024, the Dev Guild has been actively building and collaborating with regen builders and projects across the space. We’re a grassroots movement of dedicated individuals who deeply believe in the Greenpill ethos. Our members contribute their time and skills, often voluntarily, as we lay the foundation for the Guild.

Over the past months, we have been working on onboarding material and a structure for the Guild to promote efficient growth and better facilitate connections among builders. In this update, we’ll explore the following:

  • Structure Of The Guild

  • Grants & Budget

  • Projects In Work

  • Grant Ships

  • Future Plans

Structure Of The Guild

To start the year, the Guild had a single weekly call where we discussed personal regen projects and product ideas to support Chapters and The Network. As we delved deeper into product development, we began having more project-based calls to brainstorm ideas and build.

The next phase of operations began after ETHDenver when the Guild started applying for grants and ramping up product development. This led to our weekly calls with different branches of the Guild starting with business development and product. These calls serve as dedicated time to work on specific aspects of the Guild and provide updates.

As the Guild continues to grow, we’re establishing more structure around our decision-making process with a monthly lead call to review the budget and make high-level operational decisions. Additionally, we’re looking to provide the community with a more accessible touchpoint where they can learn more about the regen space and our projects/partnerships.

  • Dev Guild Chat - OG call every Tuesday at 2pm EST for updates and working on projects

  • Branch Syncs - Calls ever Monday for the product, business development and community branches

  • Lead Sync - Monthly call for leads of branches to sync and make high level operational decisions for the Guild

  • Project Based Calls - Intermittent calls to work on a dedicated project with the stakeholders and team

  • Pair Programming Sessions - Appointments available to guild contributors to pair program on a project


Alluded to above, the Guild created four branches to facilitate product development and community growth.

  • Community - Connects builders globally around regen ideas, and actively grows the community on Telegram and Twitter.

  • Business Development - Focuses on funding opportunities through grants, hackathons and partnerships, and promotes connections with Greenpill Chapters and other organizations

  • Product - Builds tools to capture and reward impact in the public good space, such as bringing biodiversity data onchain and endorsing regen projects

  • Engineering - Utilizes a modern web3 tech stack to build trustless protocols and apps with attestations, hypercerts, and PWAs


We established roles to enhance operations, segment interests and facilitate growth. These roles offer builders a low barrier to entry into the Guild, with different opportunities to participate.

  • Member - Stays up to date with the Dev Guild and/or donates and is encouraged to join calls and participate in discussions

  • Contributor - Actively supports product development by engaging in technical feedback and ideas

  • Partner - Collaborates on projects, providing support in exchange for technical, product and business assistance

  • Lead - Takes a leadership role in a specific branch, participates in weekly syncs and coordinates with the Steward

  • Steward - Serves as the core coordinator for meetings, projects and leads, and acts as the bridge to Chapters and other Guilds

Dev Guild Workspace

  • Onboarding Guide - A way to help people learn about the Guild and find branches and roles intriguing to them

  • Branches - A workspace for each branch holding relevant information such as projects, bounties and grants

  • Applications - Taking advantage of Charmverse, the Guild has applications for roles and bounties open to the public


:moneybag: Grants & Budget

We have participated in 4 grant rounds this year helping to support development of projects and provide a budget for key expenses.


  • OP Mission Request - Retro grant to bring metrics garden onchain and make project evaluations simpler

  • Octant X GP - Community QF round for the Greenpill community

  • Hypercerts - QF round for projects and organizations working on and using Hypercerts

  • Apps & Dapps - QF round exclusively for app based projects with the Guild applying with Green Goods


  • Software Tooling - Integrating tools such as ChatGPT, Figma, Miro, and more to speedup and streamline development

  • Bounties - Creating bounties for developers and designer to complete helping finish projects such as Greenpill Commons

  • Social Media - Utilizing tools such as Buffer and RSS feeds to grow Twitter and Telegram

  • Domain Names - Buying domains to launch and test our products such as Impact Reef and Green Goods

  • Tokens - Creating and minting tokens for roles within the Guild and impact created with Hypercerts

:clipboard: Projects In Work

The Guild has been working on several projects centered around Hypercerts, Attestations, and PWAs. Reflecting the theme of Season 3 of the Greenpill Podcast, the Guild has focused on building tools to better measure, track, and reward impact. Below are a few projects listed in order of their initiation.

Onboarding App - Onboarding Users Into Regen Space

Impact Reef - Simplifying Evaluations Of Public Good Projects

Green Goods - Bringing Biodiversity Data Onchain

:ship: Grant Ships

Next, we’re thrilled to share a recap of our partnership with Grant Ships, where we funded games that promote regenerative actions, learning and social impact. We competed with two other teams dubbed “ships” to see who could best allocate funds.

Proactive Funding/Hackathon Model

We implemented a unique proactive and retroactive funding model, providing games with development funds upfront and awards at the end of the round. This approach helps teams with great ideas but limited initial funding get started. We believe this blend of funding keeps teams engaged, reduces stress and makes it easier to achieve their goals. Throughout the hackathon, we also offered support and networking opportunities to aid their development.

Regen Games

We funded several innovative games in the first round.

  • AR World - An augmented reality game like Pokémon Go that rewards players for spending time in nature and physical activity

  • Cloudlines - Players build floating islands while balancing resource management and ecosystem protection

  • Ecoland - A web game hub where players complete eco-friendly missions for learning and rewards

  • GM Metarave - A mobile rhythm game with NFT rewards for early fandom, featuring underrepresented K-pop talent

Arbitrum Community Vote

After the round a community vote was held for all Arbitrum delegates to vote on which ship operator allocated funds the best. Initially the Blue Moon shot out to a commanding lead with a couple hundred thousand ARB. Since we were not Arbitrum delegates, we started a campaign to reach out to delegates on Twitter, sharing why our ship deserved their support. We were still behind going into the last day of voting, but as the final hours arrived we received 4 million ARB votes helping our ship surge ahead to 1st. As a result of the competition the other ship crashed and burned out of the competition and now just Blue Moon and Greenpill Dev Ship will compete next round.

Next Round

As we prepare for the second round, we’re actively engaging with games from the first round and identifying others to fund. During this time, an internal community vote involving the games, ships and Grant Ships team will determine the latter half of the fund distribution for the next round.

We aim to increase our funding to support more projects and have several improvements for round two. We plan to facilitate team building for games, helping to pair individuals with complementary skill sets into productive teams working on Arbitrum. Additionally, we intend to refine our hackathon model with a more milestone-based approach and closely track the use of development funds.

:crystal_ball: Future Plans


As the Guild steps into Q3, our core goals are to launch several regen projects, grow our engineering branch with bounties and begin bringing more Guild mechanisms onchain.

Projects Launches

  • Impact Reef - Launch endorsement alpha in July for use in the next OP grant round

  • Greenpill Commons - Complete with bounties and launch in September

  • Green Goods - Finish alpha and launch garden pilot in September


  • Engineer Lead - Find a lead to grow the engineering branch of the Guild by helping source developers, advancing the tech stack and reviewing bounties.

  • Bounty Board - Reach out to builders to complete bounties that advance product development

Bring Guild Onchain

  • Membership Tokens - Mint and airdrop tokens for different roles within the Guild

  • Token Gating Resources & Content - Use and Charmverse to gate access to private resources and membership rewards

  • Hypercert Minting - Create hypercerts to capture the Guild’s work and impact for the past 2 quarters

  • Credential Attestations - Issue credentials onchain for different action such as becoming a member or completing a bounty

Closing Thoughts

We’re excited to continue building in this space and are optimistic about the future. We plan to provide these updates on a quarterly basis to keep the community informed. We hope that after reading this update, you’ll feel inspired to connect with the Guild, whether by stopping by a meeting, contributing by completing a bounty or partnering on an exciting regen project.

Thank you for taking the time to read this update. Have a great day!


Afo Telegram: Contact @afo_wefa
Coi: Telegram: Contact @growecosystems
Matt: Telegram: Contact @RegenMatt


Post was caught in the spam filter for a bit so bumping this for visibility

Anybody interested in getting involved please check out the “Taking The Dev Pill” page on Charmverse (and eventually fill out an application in the “Join The Dev Guild” page) + Come to the Tuesday Dev Guild community chat + Join the Telegram

Bunch of us recently made an account or ramped up activity on Farcaster and created the Dev Guild channel Warpcast. Would appreciate a follow there and the Dev Guild Twitter too. Thanks!


Excellent post. Super informative and well illustrated too!

You could edit and add the new Warpcast channel to the list of socials. Link in @Matt’s comment.


Excellent post! I love the Token rewards aspect. I would love to see that and how we can propose something similar to the Network. I have been brain storming on this and what it would look like then post something on that aspect on the hub. Something like “Give Tokens” or “Green Tokens”