GreenPill's Regen-Coordi-NATION Genesis Round Results


GreenPill Network was involved in the recent Regen-Coordination genesis community round. The round was a collaborative effort between GreenPill, Refi DAO, and Celo DAO. This movement was made possible with Celo’s 50k USD, Gitcoin’s 50k matching, plus GreenPill Network and Refi DAO each putting up 5k. This genesis round of 50k is the foundation that leads to a subsequent retro round. A macro view of the Regen-Coordi-NATION experiment can be found here.

Round Objective:

  • Collaborate with other value aligned regional and ecosystem orgs.
  • Allocate initiative capital towards existing/new and viable GreenPill Chapters/Guilds.
  • Establish valued rapport between GreenPill Network,Chapters and Guilds.
  • Identify community signals via chapter “check ins.”
  • Create a marketing funnel.


  • Application process:

    • With the help of @afo-wefa and @Matt, we created an application process for the chapter and guilds. The process can be found here.

    • The “chapter check-ins” provided an opportunity to discuss Chapter projects, ideas, and needs with the Stewards. The application process with the “chapter check-in” allowed for a needs assessment process to take place.

    • A Chapter review team of @civilmonkey @afo-wefa @Coi @Matt and I attested to the various community signals that will help align the future roadmap.

    • Stewards shared an update on their Chapter/Guild in the Hub, which brings life to shared knowledge and helps stimulate cross pollination.

    • After the review, Chapter and Guilds were encouraged to update milestones on Karma Gap prior to applying to the grant stack.

  • Marketing:

    • We set up Live spaces with the Lets Grow DAO community.

    • @civilmonkey orchestrated social media posts.

    • With the help of @kirr0yal , we also conducted a Warpcast campaign to measurably see the “Degen to Regen” transition.

      • Our Degen Warpcast campaign that was run simultaneously with a 10k $Degen rewards pool on Warpcast received 44 participants. These participants were expected to also contribute to the Regen Coordi-NATION round after seeing the “donation lottery” campaign.

      • We also conducted a $50 USD Glo “Donation Lottery” for the Regen Coordination round. To participate you just had to donate to any project in the round and post on the Green-Pill channel. Out of the 6 participants, there was one unique contributor that may have originated from the $Degen campaign.

  • Challenges:

    • Grants Manager platform - Initially, some project approvals would freeze in transaction and hindered the team from approving it on the Grants manager. The Gitcoin team was able to troubleshoot the issue before the round began
    • Token swaps to Celo - It initially posed to be a hassle to swap tokens to Celo and USD Glo for donations, based on the feedback received from the community. We proactively directed donors to a known bridge in the Celo ecosystem. But we still received feedback from the community that swapping tokens and getting USD Glo on Celo was not a smooth process.


  • Funding and Contributions:

    • Total Participating Chapters and Guilds: 15
    • Total Matching Funds: $15,625.18
    • Total Amount Donated: $2,665.05
  • The detailed Greenpill results can be found here..


  • Based on the feedback, the application process could be adjusted to a quicker flow.
  • Chapters and Guilds are looking for ways to effectively form and allocate capital for impactful initiatives.
  • We identified various community signals that can assist in paving the future of this movement.

Next Steps:

  • Workshops on Impact measurement and verification.
  • Project updates on 3 months objectives based on received funding.
  • GreenPill Network Citizens’ round(more information on this will be released later this month).

For more information, here is an overall retrospective view of the round.

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