Hello Everyone
I am Irthu, member of Greenpill India and cofounder of Atlantis.
Today I am sharing a proposal to collaborate on a special campaign the team and I have been working on. It is called Greenpill dNFT Collection.
One Liner:
Greenpill dNFTs Collection are 10 Collections of dynamic NFTs that evolve from red to orange to green based on the holder’s real world impact.
One Paragraph:
Greenpill dNFT Collection has a goal to channel over 1 Million USD worth of web3 funds towards RWI (real world impact) across 10 collections. With an end to end on-chain workflow, the entire process of fundraising, allocation & reporting is made open auditable and verifiable, to the last mile. In this proposal we explore how this campaign could be a beneficial co-op between the network with all the local chapters involved.
At Atlantis we have been playing around with evolving digital certificates for few years now. We believe tying the holder’s verified real world activities to a digital token that can be leveraged as social capital is a HUGE unlock.
Initially we built some of these solutions in web 2 back in 2018-19 with Hydrop and have been further innovating on these fronts recently in web3 with Impact Miner. Over the last one year our Pilot with Mercy Corps helped further develop missing lego blocks that now enable seamlessly to bring real world impact data onto a tamperproof ledger maintained on-chain without sacrificing the data providers UX. The Greenpill dNFT Collection gives our team an opportunity to stress test this suite of solutions we have designed to tokenize real world impact and bring them on-chain.
Network Vision:
The Greenpill dNFT Campaign’s goal is to use crypto regenerate the world, it looks to traverse chain tribalism and borders to coordinate across nations and culture. This is a synergised vision with what the network upholds.
Chapter Goals:
The Greenpill dNFT Camapaign will accelerate local regenerative efforts and onboard more local communities into the GP chapters.
How the whole Campaign works:
Step 1: Mint a Redpill NFT from Opensea, MagicEden, Zora
Step 2: Load NFT in any of the Impact dApps, earn Impact Points (IPs)
Step 3: More IPs you earn faster your NFT transforms.
Step 4: It takes 3,600 IPs to transform an NFT to Green.
Step 5: NFT evolution captured through stunning visuals and cash prizes.
Step 4: Once transformed, hold Greenpill NFTs for additional benefits
Step 5: December 31st, 2025 the participant with most pills transformed and the Chain with the most transactions will be awarded and celebrated.
Our Ask:
An official collaboration on the Greenpill dNFT Collection.
Since this initiative is strongly aligned with the mission of Greenpill Network, we would like to collaborate with the network and the chapters in turning the Greenpill dNFT Collection into a success.
How can the network support?
- In promotion - supporting the event on twitter
- In network - introduction to communities who could engage with the Collection
- In funding - contribute in whatever capacity, the collective goal is to channel One Million USD and every bit will count.
How can the chapters contribute?
- In Hosting Greenpill events with their local theme and increasing visibility of the campaign
- Chapters can curate bounties targeting local communities
- Chapters can engage in bounties and drive funding to community members
- Chapters (2 each) can marshall landscapes and get featured across all Impact dApps
Benefits to Network and Chapters:
- A means to engage existing chapter members
- Increase brand visibility of GP Network, this is an ambitious mission and if we pull it off it will put GP Network on the map as the defacto network soceity powering regeneraion across bioregions.
- Increas on chain proof of impact for all chapters which will help in their respective fundraising pursuits
In closing I would like to request the community to share their thoughts, we at Atlantis and GP India have put in a lot of thought and are extremely committed to pull this off, we are extremely bullish on ReFI and the idea of using Web3 for regenerating the economy and the planet, we are hoping to see Greenpill Network and the GP Chapters as the key partners in this adventure with us.
Our goal is to kick off the Campaign by last week of January, from the tech and operations POV we are ready, what we need now is more of our regen friends to come onboard and lets together make ReFi the icing of this bull cycle.
Loads of Love