Discord Pod Channels


A Pod is a specialized Discord channel focused on a regen interest such as DeSci, education, the environment or funding mechanisms. It serves as a central hub where regens can meet, collaborate and learn. Each Pod is moderated and curated by knowledgeable Pod Moderators (Pod Mods), who provide relevant information and facilitate connections.

Key Terms

  • Pod - A Discord channel focused on a specific regen interest where builders connect, collaborate and learn
  • Pod Mods (Pod Moderators) - People with expertise and connections in a specific regen interest who moderate and curate conversations in a Pod


Many individuals who join the Discord face limited opportunities to contribute if they don’t have a local Chapter or Guild that aligns with their interests. Currently, those interested in topics like education or the environment can only connect through the “introduce yourself” channel, which isn’t conducive to open group discussions or resource sharing. Additionally, the general chat can become cluttered, making it difficult to have focused conversations and keep track of resources. We believe that Pods will enhance cross-pollination between Chapters and Guilds, fostering collaboration among writers, developers, community builders and others based on core regen interests.


Pods align closely with the Greenpill Network’s goal of improving coordination by creating synergy points around key regen topics such as the environment and DeSci. They will serve as rich hubs of regen information, attracting more people to the Network. Pods, with their strong focus on regen alignment, have the potential to be incubators for new Guilds or Chapters.


  • Discord Admin Abilities - Permissions to create new Pod channels, assign Pod moderator roles and integrate bots/webhooks to bring relevant news to Pods

Steps to Implement

  1. Find Pod Mods - Share Charmverse application with the Greenpill community to recruit Pod Moderators
  2. Create Pod Channels - Obtain permissions to create Pod channels, set roles, incorporate them into the onboarding flow and integrate bots/webhooks
  3. Curate Content - Collaborate with Pod Mods to curate content from rich sources and set up webhooks
  4. Launch Pods - Announce pods in the monthly Greenpill Network community call and on social media


We aim to start implementing this proposal as soon as possible. Once approved, our timeline is approximately one month.

  • Pod Mods - 2-3 weeks to find initial Pod Mods
  • Pod Setup - 1 day to fully set up Pod channels, roles and other necessary Discord updates
  • Pod Curation - 1 week to gather content and resources to kickstart Pods

And thanks to everyone who helped craft this proposal


Discussed in Greenpill Dev Guild Weekly Chat and here are some thoughts:

  • Education Pod has high interest and can focus on two core perspective educating people about web3 and how web3 can improve education/learning.
  • Environment Pod has potential for a ton of sub topic such as reforestation, carbon, ontologies, etc.
  • Need to create a topic for people working on tokenizing RWA such as Chris
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Decentralized Science!!!


At the August 2024 Community Call we did a Pod workshop