GreenPill México

ES: GreenPill Mexico se compromete a introducir a los usuarios en las tecnologías web3, empleando enfoques socioculturales prácticos adaptados a su vida diaria y necesidades de impacto. Además, nuestro objetivo es educar y difundir las tecnologías web3 a corto, medio y largo plazo. Además, estamos dedicados a implementar enfoques cripto-regenerativos a gran escala, colaborando con entidades organizadas como ONG, colectivos e instituciones. Este tópico se refiere a las actualizaciones del capítulo. Siéntete libre de coordinar y discutir acciones específicas para mejorar el capítulo.

EN: GreenPill Mexico is committed to introducing users to web3 technologies, employing practical sociocultural approaches tailored to their daily lives and impact needs. Additionally, we aim to educate and disseminate web3 technologies over the short, medium, and long term. Furthermore, we are dedicated to implementing crypto-regenerative approaches at scale, collaborating with organized entities such as NGOs, collectives, and institutions. This topic is regarding updates of the chapter.
Feel free to coordinate and discuss specific actions to enhance the Chapter.

Social media/Redes sociales:



Thank you for sharing about Greenpill Mexico. Please keep us up to date with current GP Mexico activities!

Hola GM/GN!

Dear community,

We are excited to share an overview of the actions and initiatives undertaken by GreenPill México from April 2023 to May 2024. Our commitment to fostering socio-ecological resilience through innovative Web3 tools and decentralized science (DeSci) has led to numerous impactful projects and collaborations.

Key Actions and Highlights

  1. Community Engagement and Education
  • Hosted multiple workshops and meetups to educate the community about the intersection of Web3 and ecological sustainability.
  • Collaborated with local schools and universities to integrate DeSci principles into their curricula.
  1. Collaborative Projects
  • Partnered with various organizations such as MesoReefDAO to promote coral reef conservation and restoration.
  • Supported initiatives like OperationWebtree Mayan in collaboration with Universal One Academy and GreenPill Mexico.
  1. Public Goods and Ecosystem Services
  • Conducted research and advocacy on the ecosystem services provided by coral reefs, including their role in protecting coastlines and supporting biodiversity.
  • Developed workshops to address the digital divide, particularly in Latin America, by providing access to Web3 tools and knowledge.
  1. Events and Conferences
  • Participated in significant events, including ETHCincoDeMayo in Cholula, Puebla, and CoinDesk’s Consensus 2024, to network and promote our initiatives.

We invite you to explore the detailed actions and progress in our GreenPill México Actions Spreadsheet.

Thank you for your continued support and participation. Together, we can create a more sustainable and inclusive world through the power of decentralization and science.

Best regards,

GreenPill México Team
:ocean::seedling::computer: :mexico: :chains::sparkles::green_heart:


Wow, this is so detailed and transparent! Thank you for sharing this Google doc! We need to update our chapter’s sheet the same way!