GreenPill Brasil

GreenPill Brasil - Our Path Forward in Regenerative Cryptoeconomics

Hello GreenPill Community,

I’m here to update you on the journey and strategic direction of GreenPill Brasil.

Foundation Phase & Role of Stewards During our foundation phase, our stewards established the initial governance and operational frameworks, setting the stage for our activities. An important milestone was initiating our hypercert project, reflecting our commitment to acknowledging contributions in a meaningful way.

First Activation Cycle Our first activation cycle was about marking our presence in the space of regenerative technologies and engaging with those who share our vision. We minted another hypercert at the end of this cycle, distributing it to all active members as a token of appreciation and involvement. Additionally, we executed our first retroactive distribution for translations, design creation, Charmverse development, records management, and virtual meeting facilitation.

Second Activation Cycle We are currently in our second cycle, where we are deepening our internal protocols and focusing on forging robust partnerships with agroecology and agroforestry groups. This cycle will also see the minting and distribution of hypercerts to members who complete both activation cycles. A key part of this phase is to establish a more structured interaction with these groups to integrate their insights into our projects effectively.

Organizational Structure and Future Plans We have identified a triarchic structure in our organization, encompassing operational, management, and marketing roles. To date, retroactive payments have been made for community building activities, with the remainder allocated for reimbursements and rewards for specific tasks like translations, artwork, and development. We have five active working groups: grants, governance, community, studio, and development. Initially, we used a single multisig wallet on Optimism, but post-GG20, we plan to incorporate another on Arbitrum to enhance our transaction processes.

Commitment to Community Standards We will dedicate our efforts to be aligned to the code of conduct outlined by Owocki in General . Our governance model continues to evolve towards a structure that exemplifies transparency and collective participation and we will improve our guidelines to avoid any mistake in the future.

We want to thank you for all the efforts to make greenpill network great. Your contributions are vital as we refine our approach and increase our impact, so we invite other members to engage, share their insights, and contribute to shaping GPBR’s future.

Our journey is one of constant learning and adaptation, and we are committed to improving and achieving meaningful impacts together.

Best regards, :herb:coi


Wow, amazing. This is very good work and detailed. Great work!