December 2024 Monthly Call

The monthly Greenpill Network Community Call is 2024-12-11T18:00:00Z :spiral_calendar:

Please post any relevant thoughts or resources in this thread, especially if you won’t be able to attend. After the call we’ll share a recording, interesting notes and any action items.

Let’s come together for one last call this year to celebrate our wins, learn from our losses, and set our sights on an exciting 2025! Join the Greenpill Gov Guild for an interactive Gardens Activity where we’ll explore proposals to continue Izzy’s legacy and grow the Network. :seedling:

Amplification welcome :loudspeaker:


Welcome & Intro :tada:

:woman_in_lotus_position: Reflection Time: A meditation on 2024: our growth, challenges, and milestones

:rocket: Obol Squad Launch: Celebrating the official kickoff!

:writing_hand: Writers Guild Newsletter

:computer: Dev Guild Workshops and Monthly Spaces

:earth_africa: Chapter Updates

:deciduous_tree: Gardens Workshop :deciduous_tree:

A collaborative session to plant seeds for 2025:

:bulb: Izzy Initiatives: Brainstorming ideas to honor Izzy’s legacy and scale his projects

:ballot_box: Octant Epoch Proposal: Envisioning how Greenpill Chapters & Guilds can engage

:moneybag: Network Funding Mechanisms: Exploring innovative ways to allocate and reward capital

:sparkles: Closing :sparkles:

:cookie: Cookie Jar

:date: Octant Epoch 6

:clipboard: Chapter Info Survey & Hub Post

Call Recording