As a co-founder of Allo Capital, Gitcoin, and, I’m privileged to be at the intersection technology, community, and regenerative finance (ReFi). Over the past few years, we’ve learned a tremendous amount about fostering digital public goods, aligning incentives with community values, and building a more regenerative internet.
As we look toward 2025, I’m excited to propose two major “North Stars” for the continued evolution of (GPN): bringing GPN on-chain and starting to prove out sustainable revenue streams.
North Star #1: Bringing On-Chain in 2025
Why On-Chain?
The GPN mission centers around building a more regenerative, transparent, and community-aligned future.
Moving GPN’s core governance, funding flows, and community coordination on-chain will allow us to align incentives using the latest capital allocation technology. By integrating with the latest onchain capital allocation mechnaisms and building a foundation that allows for interoperability with wider ReFi ecosystem, we can create a stronger global and interoperable network of impact-driven communities.
I’d like to figure out what the key opportunities are together in 2025. We already have a $40k treasury which we could begin to allocate to places where we are having the most impact and/or the most active members - putting wood behind the arrow of that work we’re already doing. That said, Ill hedge a bit and say I believe we should start small and then scale up only when each allocation mechanism is proven out to be working in supporting the networks mission.
I DO NOT think its a good idea to tokenize GPN yet. Lets not dive into the deep end yet. Lets start by dipping our toes in the water.
North Star #2: Establishing Revenue Streams in 2025
Why Revenue?
To ensure GPN remains sustainable and impactful, we need reliable revenue sources. This funding will support each guild + chapters work, and also research, platform development, and community growth, making GPN more resilient and allowing us to reinvest in the network and its projects.
Potential Revenue Models
Membership & Subscription: Offer membership tiers that provide exclusive access to advanced governance tools, research, events, or masterclasses on regenerative crypto-economics.
Consulting & Services: Leverage GPN’s expertise to advise DAOs, foundations, and companies on how to adopt ReFi, structure grants, and build community-owned ecosystems.
Launchpad Fees: Serve as a launchpad for high-potential ReFi projects, collecting a small fee or equity stake in return for incubation and technical support.
Partner with Allo.Capital and Earn by extending the mission/traction of Gitcoin/Allo.
Podcast - make revenue more of a focus for the podcast, extending hte experiments we’ve done with @
Acquire - and add the best agents (ElinorOstramAI, DanielSchmatenbergerAI), then sell access to them in a tasteful way, We can add a revenue model or tokenization model with careful design.
We should figure out what combination of services, software, of products are the right configuration here - and for each, how to split revenue between GPN, the chapter//gulid, and indivdiuals who are doing the work.
By focusing on bringing GPN fully on-chain and establishing sustainable revenue streams, we can empower our community to co-create a truly regenerative economic future.
With the lessons we’ve learned at Gitcoin, the support of Allo.Capital, and the passion of the community, 2025 can be the year where GPN becomes a self-sustaining ecosystem—amplifying regenerative impact while embodying the values we all share.
Feedback welcome
I’m curious what people think of these potential north stars. I’d be open to other proposals for different north stars and constructive feedback.
Just some initial thoughts. Think there are two key components to this:
Creating and aggregating onchain data which will be the components for calculating Greenpill/regen reputation. There is also some off-chain data that can be collected and measured with AI tooling. And with the sights set in this direction we can have discussions with all the Chapters and Guilds to figure out ways to measure contributions and impact within their specific organizations. Think this concept really ties into Green Will which is being developed by the Dev Guild. There are also some very raw ideas scattered across this subpage in the Gov Guild charmverse folder.
Makes sense to start simple and then build off of it. But ultimately mix all those components in a bowl and iterate on the formula to establish reputation based governance structures for making a broad range of decisions. Definitely shouldn’t rush to tokenize and ossify structures.
Establishing Revenue Streams in 2025
Definitely think the pathway to financial sustainability is through multiple means including tradition web3 public goods grant funding, maybe some streams via glodollar or, and proper treasury management maybe revolving around LSTs and stablecoin yield. Need to gather my thoughts but will share some more fleshed out ideas down the line.
Point #3 seems viable since amplification is one of the existing value props. Would eventually need some sort of vetting system so it isn’t a free for all where we accidentally endorse a malicious actor. I’d probably lean towards an initially free and open pathway for projects to present to interested community members similarly to how MetaGame Townhalls operated. Greenpill can record and disseminate. Grow that out and maybe collect a small fee or equity stake. Or keep it free, leverage this for grant opportunities, and also have an optional donation which could open up another layer of exposure via Greenpill channels.
Would be very interested to hear the specifics for point #4.
My gut says lowering the cost with may open things up to more people but not sure.
I’ll always vote in favor of communities, groups, DAOs, etc. having a north star. So I love this framing overall. Maybe just one thing to consider is that this list probably shouldn’t be more than 2. There can be a new evaluation each year, but too many north stars makes it hard to navigate.
On the first north star, bringing things on-chain is unfortunately often correlated with making them too complex for many. As we do more on-chain, I think it’s important that we really put in the work not to lose people in the process. For GreenWill (thanks for bringing that up @Matt), this effort is coming in the form of developing the app as a Farcaster frame that can be accessed in full right from the user’s social feed.
Whether it’s with stablecoins, rock-solid UX, or something else, I do really believe there are ways to migrate on-chain that avoid alienation. It’s just sometimes more challenging.
P.S. I’m serving as the product lead for GreenWill and would happily welcome anyone who wants to contribute. If you’re interested, hit me up!
Thanks @owocki for sharing the 2 North Stars, the 3rd from Aaron and replies from @MattyCompost and. @c_georgen I think they’re a great starting point for conversation. Will take the 1st half to respond to ideas/thoughts mentioned in the post and replies then dive into some more of my concrete ideas around structure and architecture for growing the Network.
Totally agree, when I think start small, tools like Cookie Jars are a great start for a more fluid approach to allocation and supporting Chapters and Guild in the nuance things that arise from time to time. I also believe it’s crucial to have a structured approach to allocation which hyper focuses on growing the Network and sharing resources such as books, T-Shirts, posters etc. to spread the culture and ethos of Greenpill and the larger regen space. We can do this with Chapter Event Funding it’s an idea that been discussed since last summer and with the current treasury is something that can start modest ($100-250) per event on a quarterly basis for a max yearly cost of $10,000 for 10 events a quarter) and scale up as the Network grows, with the Chapter Event Funding being a flywheel to community and treasury growth. What does this look like:
Step 0: Pair external funds (grants, sponsorship) with Network funds to allocate $2500-5000 for educational resources (books, guides, etc) and shirts to provide Chapters who apply for event funding.
Chapter Application - A steward makes a Charmverse proposal for an event, sharing their goals, event plans, and what resources the Network can provide (books, shirts, etc)
Steward Approval - All stewards review the proposal and vote to approved partially releasing funds for the event. The Network then promotes the event on socials.
Event Occurs - Chapter host event, discussing their initiatives, sharing Greenpill resources and capturing with pictures, videos and social media post.
Steward Review - Post event, Stewards review the event and how it performed compared to the proposal, provide an evaluation, then proceed to release the rest of funds. (If an event went poorly funds are still released but a time penalty and decrease in proactive funding is inflicted upon the Chapter)
Where’s the flywheel here, well by helping support Stewards in doing events it releases some of the stress and burden of planning the event, using your own funds, gathering resources and promoting the event. A steward can now focus mainly on a venue, the agenda and promotion of the event helping attract more people and have a successful event. The new members then joining these events have a great experience, get Greenpill resources to take home and can now provide their capital (intellectual, financial, social) to growing the Network and thus the treasury to support more events.
In 2024 some steps were taken in this direction with POAPs, attestations, and we can make leaps in 2025 with a few things
Hats Protocol - Can integrate NFT based roles tied to Safes (Treasury, Capital Management), Unlock Protocol (membership revenue) and creating a transparent and clear structure on the management/operations of the Network. - Integrate with Hats roles to token gate access to channels/resources on Discord, potentially Telegram, Charmverse and other tooling helping to create the sense of reputation, reward and status for different roles.
ENS Subdomain - Solidly onchain Chapter/Guild identity by using ENS subdomain names by transferring ownership of the ENS to a Network administrative Safe to manage creating and updating subdomain names for Chapters, Guilds Stewards and even Pods.
Gardens Conviction Voting - Building off the Gov Guild and Chapter garden experiments to create funding snd signaling pools enabling the community to have a voice and make proposals on how the Network should grow.
Allo Yeeter - Use tools like Allo Yeeter built on Allo to enable Stewards to easily do payouts for Chapter/Guild work recycling GMV and growing Allo as each Steward creates a profile that can be evaluated over time.
There’s much more of course Snapshot voting, SQF like @MattyCompost mentioned and other we’re not even thinking of that will come to the forefront in 2025.
100% once you cross that bridge there’s no turning back. I think this year should focus on applying different DAO tooling across Chapters and Guilds where applicable in different legislations finding the commonality in tooling and tooling use/patterns. Then do research reports on what aspects the Network can adopt and start to define the DAO space not as a monolith but a spectrum of DAO-ism within onchain communities.
Unlock protocol is a great tool to potentially use for this and we can start modest and scale up. Finding a way to bring in external people from the regen space is crucial here so it’s not just our niche community bearing the cost.
Something we’ve been exploring at the Greenpill Dev Guild level for the Network it may be a little soon as we’re still setting our foundations and will make mistake so maybe this is something more for later in the year or in 2026 onward.
Same here I think the Network is not in a strong position to do things such as take equity in projects. I definitely see Allo Capital potentially doing that alongside other entities. To be honest I don’t think the Network should focus on going this direction due to the legal aspects and binding the network too strongly to a project. I think the Network should scale in it’s ability to share resources and capital (intellectual, social cultural, financial, experiential) amongst the Chapters, Guilds, Pods and members.
Yes and yes
One more boring one is getting a large grant in the six figures to execute on growing the regen/web3 space (events, workshops, hackathons).
The word Connection is key here a word I’ll touch upon later in the reply. The Network with limited resources in 2024 did a great job making inroads into impact communities now it’s time to scale those efforts with more support.
Second what @MattyCompost is saying a lot this is creating sandboxes for Chapters, Guilds and the Network to play in with different tools and learn what best from a tooling aspect but most importantly coordination amongst each other.
There’s a ton we can learn and experiment with from other communities such as, stablecoins like Glo and token yield. The Dev Guild is doing some of these aspects with our treasury and we plan to share thought pieces on Paragraph that hopefully provide some insights the Network can use.
I think leveraging for Grants is the way to go so we’re not feeding off our community then as we start to scale outside of it then makes sense to explore revenue models.
I honestly wonder how many people are aware they can mint the Podcast and maybe because the funds aren’t being allocated in the Network people are less inclined to buy cause there’s no impact being generated from their purchase.
Agree with this and think there’s a singular north star that encompasses all three I’ll go more in depth below.
Connect & Coordinate Capital
I’ll now dive into my thoughts more concretely, discussing aspect of the North Stars touched upon in 2024, proposing formalizing Network branches and suggesting a singular North Star for 2025.
Current Activity & Structure
Back in July we workshopped the network structure and at the time the structure was this:
Admin - Signers on the Treasury multisig and control of key resources such as Discord and Twitter.
Network Steward - Steward involved in Network level operations and management, helping coordinate Stewards and grow the Network.
Steward - Individual who leads a Chapter or Guild
Member - An individual who joins the Network via Charmverse, Discord, YouTube subscription, etc and joins a Chapter or Guild.
It was a nice lean structure with not too much definition but some blindspots for individuals not members of a Chapter or Guild limiting growth. Also the admin aspect created a bottleneck for advancing the Network and accessing funds. We then ideated the Pods as a way to support and engage members with no applicable Chapter or Guild. Bringing us to the present day structure:
With this current structure we’re in a great position to continue scaling, as the Pod roles become more refined and the Steward role gains more definition in requirements and responsibility. Currently these are the aspect being maintained by Network Stewards
Network Management - Managing the core infrastructure of the Network from the Telegram, Discord, Luma and Hub to ensure the community stays active and safe.
Meetings & Events - Hosting weekly and monthly community calls to update members of what’s happening within the Network and regen space such as grant rounds, new tooling, etc.
Community Growth - Growing the Network by engaging with new members and reaching out to external communities to share resources and bring into the Network.
Social Media Management - Managing the social accounts on Twitter and Farcaster updating the community on events and important news.
2024 Showed we could accomplish and create a ton of structure and processes with limited funding and with a clear architecture for 2025 we can amplify our impact within our respective Network roles.
As we step into 2025 I think we’re in a good position to grow the network roles and add more definition for Network Stewards, remove the admin aspect and grow support roles for members of the community to contribute. Growing the roles within the Network is vital imo to enable growth by providing members more opportunities to contribute, giving autonomy to individuals, and not duplicating efforts.
The 2 major addition to roles is formalizing a Network Support role those members who want to engage more, support Chapters, engage the community and assist in grants/partnership growth. In addition creating sub branch categories within the Network Steward roles centered on the different branches of the Network I’ll touch upon below.
This branch of the Network is focused on internal and external community growth and management. The Discord, Telegram and Socials are the main tools utilized to ensure the community stays engaged and up to date. Discord Pods fall under the domain of the Community Steward and is one of the core elements used to fuel growth.
For Chapters this branch is centered around supporting and representing the Chapters thoughts and goals within the Network structure. All Chapters are under this branch and the Chapters Steward main responsibilities are handling new Chapter onboarding, coordinating Chapter demo days and handling issues or concerns a Chapter steward has about the Network.
Similar to the Chapters branch this branch houses alll the Guilds of the Network. The Guilds Steward is focused on maximizing the connection between the Guilds in their initiatives, supporting Stewards with issues or concerns, creating workshops for the Network and understanding what resources best support the Network at a given time. The guild role has some similarity with the community one though with the difference being the Community one is more people focused and Guild resource based.
Lastly is the growth branch which houses Grants and Partnerships. Grants include the internal community rounds held by the Network and external grants the Network is pursuing to do for example more community rounds. Partnerships is centered around different communities the Network partners with to do a round, align on impact frameworks and co promote initiatives. Aspect of this exist currently with Gitcoin, Octant and Regen Coordination. The Growth Steward main responsibilities are identifying grants, partnerships and low risk yield opportunities for the Network to pursue. From a business standpoint they are the face of the Network for coordinating partnership and financial deals that secure more funding for the Network.
Promotion, Elections & Demotion
A crucial aspect that will need be addressed is how individual can progress within these roles to become a Network Steward and what the cadence is for elections and what to do if a person is not meeting the requirements set in a role. I can suggest a framework but seems a more organic and fluid approach is best, where we as a community workshop what structure makes sense.
Weaving North Star With Branches
How can the 2 north stars mentioned by @owocki and 1 by Aaron be incorporated/followed throughout the branches.
Onchain Polls/Surveys - Having more polls for the community to partake in to signal sentiment for novel aspects such as the branding of the Network
Community Airdrops - Giving rewards to community members for doing regen and Greenpill onboarding actions help incentivize them to stay engaged in the community.
Community Demo Days - Enable community members to have a space/day to share their projects and get feedback and ideas from the community
Social Events - Hosting more social events where a POAP or NFT is airdropped to attendees
Unified Regen Hub - Unifying the current Greenpill hub into a regen hub for a multitude of communities to share project, updates and more.
Chapter Event Funding - Onchain proposal process for event funding with potential revenue as it scales from Chapters charing attendees.
Chapter Demo Days - Enable Chapter to demo a project or discuss an initiative they’re working on helping highlight the impact being generated in their community
Impact Attestations - Provide Chapters a framework to capture impact with attestations truly bringing their impact onchain.
Tool Experimentation - Seed Guild with funds to experiment with different tooling and also create resources for the Network.
Guild Workshops - Host workshops centered around the emerging regen tools making it easier for the community to use the tools and come onchain.
Newsletter/Article Mints - Selling pieces published by Guilds to earn revenue similar to the
Consulting Services - Provide consulting service for writing, product development and more to projects in the space.
Regen Coordination - Continuing to grow Regen Coordination and strengthen the relationship with ReFi DAO.
Blockchain Partnership - Partner with public good oriented chains such as Celo and Optimism to grow the regen space and seed the Network with substantial capital to distribute amongst Chapters, Guilds and Pods
Allo Capital Partnership - Partner with Allo Capital to test out it products and provide critical user feedback for a fee.
Gitcoin Community Round - Host a community round with Gitcoin centered around a regen theme aligning with Gitcoin goal of “funding what matters”.
A Singular North Star - Connect & Coordinate Capital
I propose a singular north star for the Network maybe not just for 2025 but long term Connect & Coordinate Capital. A lot of times when we think “capital” we merely think financial. Being in the regen space has taught me so much more and when 1st reading the Greenpill book this graphic above stood out to me the most. We’re all so hardwired to only focus on financial capital and at times others like spiritual. I believe the superpower of the Network can be connecting these different capital together to share resources knowledge, finances, culture, etc. When we discuss getting funding, bringing the network onchain, or connecting to impact communities for me that all translates to the 8 Forms of Capital.
Bringing On-Chain in 2025 - Going onchain helps to strengthen the intellectual, social, and financial aspect of coordination helping facilitate more growth.
Establishing Revenue Streams in 2025 - So much financial capital exist (non-profits, DAO treasuries) and taking an approach of connecting the Network to these sources can lessen the need to figure out revenue.
Building bridges between web3 and impact communities - This taps into the cultural, social, material, living and experiential capitals by sharing the commonalities and uniqueness across cultures to better understand each others need and support one another.
By centering the Network North Star on connecting and coordinating the 8 Forms of Capital it enables the Network to retain the value of the 3 proposed North Stars and have a long term vision that aligns with the ethos of Greenpill.
i think that having more active/healthy chapters is a priority. $2.5k-$5k seems like a good budget to start with for 2025. no idea if people need books/guides, logistical support, or something else tho.
not sure who this would come from… maybe the EF? maybe one of the larger DAOS? seems like $$ is not exactly flowing to these type of grants these days… but im happy to be proven wrong.
love this!
these visuals are seriously helpful for visualizing the topology of the network.
i like this a lot
what ive been saying on the podcasts has been my north star
If you’re just joining us, we are building a CoordiNation - a network-society of thousands of hackers, dreamers, and doers focused on using crypto to bring positive digital systems to the world. This podcast features the people who are doing it, and we publish a season of 5-10 episodes every couple months.
i think that your north star is more concise tho.
more generally. i would like to bless the gov guild to start driving these initiatives forward. im busy with gitcoin,allo,howtodao,ettc… and cannot drive myself… so i am happy to be informed (or approver for more major things) on most things.
you have my blessing to take the reigns + pursue these things in 2025. please don’t ask for autonomy, take autonomy. please dont ask for permission, ask for forgiveness. within reason of coursee.
Agree with Aaron Frank. Building bridges and acting as a connector is something that the Network, Chapters/Guilds, Discord Pods and even individuals should lean into. Collaboration and fostering shared knowledge is the same wind in the sails of open source software so there is clearly something to it. For now I’d prioritize that north star, with bringing the Network onchain also top of mind.
Regen Coordination, especially in regards to impact standards and the regen initiative toolkit that Monty and co covered in the ReFi DAO Wrapped 2024 & Whats Next? feel incredibly important. We’re getting more aligned but would love to eventually get a public call scheduled to better connect Greenpill Chapters/Guilds and ReFi DAO Local Nodes. This space is still so small and we can all absolutely succeed together. Turning the hub into more of a Regen Coordination hub, and looping other communities into the Discord Pods feels like a win win.
Carried over a lot of the thoughts below from a comment I posted in r/ethereum, which recently merged with r/ethfinance and whose discord announcements we have auto-posting into the education pod. The DAO of DAO structure of the Network makes it a lot easier to start forging these informal connections imo vs having to decide whether we should or shouldn’t endorse something with the Network. Total stream of thought lists below.
As Aaron Frank mentioned, Greenpill can probably do a lot of good connecting web3 and impact communities. But we can also help build bridges across other aligned web3 regen organizations like VDAO, BioFi Project, Ma Earth, Bloom Network, Regens Unite, Breadchain, AgroforestDAO, CCN, Public Nouns, Public Goods Club, Vrbs, Kolektivo, Let’s Grow DAO, etc. Regen Coordination will help in that regard but we can certainly do things on our end to forge deeper ties. Most people don’t have a local Greenpill Chapter and I’d love to openly refer people to other local regen orgs.
There is so much interesting stuff happening in the space that Greenpillers should be introduced to. Lot of cool impact tooling and ReFi financial primitives like Impact Miner, Gain Forest, Restor, EthicsHub, Helios, Azos Finance, SolarPunkDAO, Green Goods, Silvi, Kokonut Network, Treegens, the Solar Foundation, etc
Also loop in the tooling/governance/allocation side of things EAS,, RnDAO, TogetherCrew, Gardens, KarmaGAP, Coordinape, Open Civics, Endaoment, Hypercerts, Open Source Observer, Commons Stack, Metagov, Givepact and of course Gitcoin, Giveth, Octant.
Educating and onboarding people in an open and credibly neutral way is definitely something that Greenpill can do well. Referring people to resources like Carbon Copy and Kiwi News or communities like Token Engineering Commons, Kernel, SheFi, etc is also powerful.
At the simplest level having a platform that helps like minded individuals connect is valuable. Really think we should continue to make an effort to aggregate and disseminate/amplify and create tools/content to fill in the gaps. Ultimately everybody building something interesting with regen values is in a grant round somewhere or being funded or talked about by someone in the public goods niche so mapping things out (Writers Guild is working on this to an extent) and introducing more people to more things should aid the flywheel.
Getting inspiration from the old MetaGame Townhalls we could also accomplish a lot by hosting project showcases and twitter spaces with the Network accounts/socials. Always room for improvement but we do have some solid discord announcements from other servers that are published into news and pods channels (click “Channels & Roles” at the top of the discord to make sure you are seeing all the channels). I’m sure using AI tools (eventually with a twist of reputation based governance for human curation) we can do a lot more semi-automated curation and cross posting across all the platforms as well.
Rewinding a bit, no matter what our goals are, to an extent we still really have to get our house in order with multisigs, operational mechanisms, infrastructure and the talent formation/organization needed to make Greenpill Network’s foundation more functional, sustainable and anti-fragile. Don’t need to find our final form but we need to reach a checkpoint with the current iteration. And from there we can really make a push to decentralize even more and bring additional people into the fold to work on specific tasks. Pretty confident we are moving in the right direction but actually crafting a well oiled machine that can turn the diverse energy we have in the Network into a functionally efficient organization with maximum impact on all fronts that we can accurately measure is difficult. So is finding the balance between optimistically and lovingly working together while also preparing to battle Moloch.
Gotta build out Greenpill with a strong focus on optimizing capital allocation and sustainable flows so that it can scale at a healthy pace. We need to fund and support our Chapters/Guilds with all the forms of capital and do our best to funnel individuals in their direction. Bunch of Chapters/Guilds can thrive even if the Network stagnated but we need to find the proper balance to support Chapters/Guilds and also the people currently putting in the effort to help the Network operate and advance. We should be very cognizant of financial sustainability but for sure need to utilize our treasury more.
Think we should also use funds to conduct a bunch of allocation experiments to take part in the rounds/epochs/experiments happening in the pgf space. Output of that will be supporting the plurality of public goods and education of our community through immersion. @SwiftEvo’s proposal to help fund the GG23 DeSci Round fits into that vision well imo. Gotta continue accomplishing/supporting more than is to be expected with the funds we deploy, and then scaling capital formation should be doable when the time is right.
Kinda dumped a lot of different thoughts into this post but hopefully it is digestible and cohesive. Still so much to do but there is definitely a palpable momentum across Greenpill and I’m excited to see how 2025 plays out.